Mandatory Disclosures

RTI Award

Celebrating Transparency Leaders

Welcome to the RTI Proactive Disclosure Awards by NADP, recognizing public authorities championing transparency. These awards honor those excelling in RTI proactive disclosure, fostering openness in governance. Join us in applauding leaders setting high standards for accessible and timely information.
Award Category

The award acknowledges public authorities for outstanding proactive disclosure initiatives. From accessibility to information updates, the award celebrates excellence in RTI proactive practices.

Nomination Process

Learn about the simple nomination process for public authorities striving for recognition. We invite submissions showcasing exemplary commitment to transparency, contributing to informed communities. Click here for more information

Impact on Governance

Explore the positive impact of RTI proactive disclosure on governance and public trust. The award commends compliance and highlight societal benefits from open and accessible information practices.

Nominate today, and let's build a culture of transparency together!